Miloni Jhonsa, who debuted in Bollywood with Rashmi Rocket, says she appreciated working with Taapsee Pannu because the Pink actress made her feel at ease on set. She went on to say that she bonded with her as they worked together to get into character.
"When I first met her, it was quite an experience. She said hello and made me feel welcome. When we were training together, we got along swimmingly. Taapsee is a lovely lady "She informed DH.
Rashmi Rocket, billed as a sports drama, followed the eponymous girl, a great athlete, as she failed a 'gender test.' Miloni played Niharika Chopra, an athlete having a difficult connection with Taapsee's character in the film. After an audition, she was cast in the part.
"During the process, I did a scene with Taapse and two sequences with my reel father," the actor explained.
On October 15, Rashmi Rocket was launched on OTT, to mixed reviews. While the performances were praised by reviewers, the execution left a lot to be desired. Despite this, the picture became a 'internet hit,' with a large audience. After the criminal thriller Haseen Dillruba, this was the second Taapsee starrer to have a digital debut.
Akarsh Khurana, who previously directed films like Karwaan and High Jack, was behind the camera for Rashmi Rocket.
"He's a fantastic filmmaker," she added, "and I enjoyed working with him."
Abhishek Banerjee, Manoj Joshi, Shweta Tripathi, Priyanshu Painyuli, TV actor Varun Badola, and Supriya Pathak were among the cast members.
Miloni, who has worked with Rashmi Rocket in the past, aims to advance as an actor by taking on more tough parts. While she has yet to reveal her next project, the newbie hopes to portray a character that is unlike herself.
"I only want to play roles that aren't my own. I'm also fascinated by negative roles "Miloni said.
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