I Love a Mama's Boy Is Back, and This Time It's Even More Uncomfortable Than Before - Film Vodka


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Thursday, 22 July 2021


I Love a Mama's Boy Is Back, and This Time It's Even More Uncomfortable Than Before

I Love a Mama's Boy Is Back, and This Time It's Even More Uncomfortable Than Before

In this intriguing new teaser, get to know the new and returning cast members of I Love a Mama's Boy season two. Also, have a look at their cast pictures. 

Two is a group, three is a throng.

After seeing the season two teaser of TLC's I Love a Mama's Boy, which premieres August 29, E! News can exclusively reveal, we have a much better grasp of the phrase. The docuseries delves into the, well, fascinating interactions that exist between guys, their significant others, and their domineering mothers once again.

Reunited couple Matt and Kim are still striving (and largely failing) to establish boundaries with Matt's mother Kelly, particularly as the wedding preparation process progresses. In the first glimpse, the bride-to-be laments, "I love Matt so much." "However, Matt has always had trouble setting boundaries with his mother."

Matt is shown selecting a rose and placing it in his mother's hair, for example. Of course, that's a thoughtful gesture, but his fiancée was right there with him.


Stephanie, Mike, and mom Liz from last season, as well as Emily, Shekeb, and mom Laila from this season, have all returned. And, as the new teaser suggests, things are just as tense as they've always been.

Laila and Liz, in particular, continue to influence their sons' major life decisions. Tracy can connect to this since her prospective mother-in-law Jayne has no idea she's intruding in their life.

"My connection with my son Bryan is really tight and natural," Jayne argues after Tracy called fiancé Bryan "a package deal."

Jayne prepares Bryan breakfast every day, but unlike the other parents, she doesn't give him head massages or feed him like a baby.

Watch the exclusive teaser above and click through the cast photos below to get to know the second season cast of I Love a Mama's Boy.


Kim, Matt, and mother Laila

A job offer in Texas throws everyone's plans into disarray as Kelly tries to take over Matt and Kim's wedding and their new home. While Matt mulls over his options, Kim and Kelly compete for his love and devotion.


Emily, Shekeb, and mother Laila

Emily and Shekeb are back together, but if the pair is to genuinely go ahead, the ladies must embrace each other. Emily is certain that a ring on her finger would compel her to go forward, but Laila stands firm and attempts to persuade Shekeb differently.


Stephanie, Mike, and Liz mother

Stephanie and Mike have come to a crossroads. Stephanie wants to go one way to pursue her goals, while Liz is waving Mike over to plant roots in the opposite direction. Their relationship may not be strong enough to withstand Liz's interference and terrible counsel, and the two may be torn apart forever.


Tracy, Bryan, and Jayne Mother

 Jayne is completely unaware of how much she meddles in her son's life, wedding, marriage, and now honeymoon! Tracy has to clear the air and establish clear limits for everyone, but Bryan's devotion to his mother erases whatever lines Tracy sets. Tracy and Bryan struggle to find any romance and alone time as Jayne makes the honeymoon more about her vacation time than minding the kids. It's more like a wedding from hell!


Tia, Theous, and Carolyn mother

Carolyn expects Theous to be available at all times, but Tia wants him to set some ground rules with his mother before she walks down the aisle with him. Carolyn's poor knee makes her more reliant on Theous' time, but that doesn't stop her from meddling in every area of their lives, including their Vegas vacation.

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