In Fortnite, an Ariana Grande package is now available. - Film Vodka


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Thursday, 5 August 2021


In Fortnite, an Ariana Grande package is now available.

In Fortnite, an Ariana Grande package is now available.


Ariana Grande, one of the world's biggest music artists, has a cosmetic package available for purchase in Fortnite ahead of a series of virtual performances.

A character skin, harvesting tool, emote, and glider are all included in the Ariana Grande package. It may be purchased as a set or individually. The Ariana Grande player skin is available in two different colors, and the Seven Rings Smasher harvesting equipment is shaped like a ring and has two huge hammer-like diamonds. Finally, the Lil' Floaticorn emote will make your character float above the ground by sitting on a sparkly loot unicorn, while the sweetener Sailshards glider resembles a rift, hinting at her forthcoming Rift Tour.

The bundle will set you back $2,800, compared to $4,800 if you bought the goods separately. If you want to get your hands on this skin, you need to hurry because it will only be available for a limited time.

The launch of this bundle in Fortnite comes in honor of Ariana Grande's forthcoming Rift Tour, which will feature a series of virtual concerts inside the game. These will begin on August 6 and will be spread out over a few days to allow gamers from all time zones to participate.

If you're interested in participating in the Rift Tour, you can find further information and times here, or by going to the menu tab on your Fortnite launcher. 

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