Robert Downey Jr Fought With Marvel Over Money for Avengers Co-stars - Film Vodka


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Saturday, 24 July 2021


Robert Downey Jr Fought With Marvel Over Money for Avengers Co-stars

Robert Downey Jr Fought With Marvel Over Money for Avengers Co-stars: Report

In 2013, Iron Man actor Robert Downey Jr. reportedly battled with Marvel over monetary remuneration for his co-stars. 


Marvel is one of the most well-known film franchises, but it hasn't always been without controversy. One such issue arose in 2013, when Robert Downer Jr, who played the famous superhero Iron Man, was considering leaving the job when Marvel failed to fulfill his and his co-workers' pay demands.

According to a 2013 estimate from Deadline, the actor made between 70 and 80 million dollars from the MCU's first Avengers film. After the huge box office success of Iron Man 3, he aimed to outperform that salary.


He spoke out about his plans to perhaps retire during an interview with Jon Stewert on the Daily Show, stating, "I don't know." We're going to renegotiate my long-term deal with them.”

While Downey believes he was underpaid, rumors claim that other actors were paid little in comparison to him. According to the article, "some received barely $200,000 for Avengers, while Downey pocketed $50 million." “On what planet is it acceptable?”

In this case, the celebrity was also willing to speak out for his coworkers. Many other performers with less experienced on the big screen viewed him as a big brother, according to a spokesperson. He was allegedly observed using his clout to persuade Marvel to pay performers commensurate with their abilities, especially since the studio was making vast riches with each new installment in the franchise.


While Downey believes he was underpaid, rumors claim that other actors were paid little in comparison to him. According to the article, "some received barely $200,000 for Avengers, while Downey pocketed $50 million." “On what planet is it acceptable?”

In this case, the celebrity was also willing to speak out for his coworkers. Many other performers with less experienced on the big screen viewed him as a big brother, according to a spokesperson. He was allegedly observed using his clout to persuade Marvel to pay performers commensurate with their abilities, especially since the studio was making vast riches with each new installment in the franchise.

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