Outer Banks EPs: How Will That Gigantic Finale Twist 'Excavate' the Show's Mythology in a Possible Season 3?
This post contains a significant spoiler from the Season 2 finale of Outer Banks.
Just when it appeared that Outer Banks‘ third season would end with the Pogues living their best — if stranded — lives on a deserted Caribbean beach, the Netflix series' action moved to Barbados to reveal something many fans had predicted since the show's inception: John B's father, Big John, is alive.
Executive producers Jonas Pate and Josh Pate tell TVLine that Big John's resurrection wasn't always a certain conclusion - even when they were planning the season.
“We had a feeling we had that card. We didn't know for sure if we'd play it, but around the sixth or seventh episode, we did when we were writing this year, we started to realize maybe we could do that,” Jonas Pate says.
He goes on to say that the pandemonium of Episode 10 — in which John B, Sarah, Kiara, Pope, JJ, and Cleo try to take over a cargo ship and barely escape with their lives — was the ideal kind of diversion, leaving audiences "truly on the wrong foot."
“We started to get excited about what we might accomplish in a possible Season 3 if he was back,” Josh Pate says.
Carla Limbrey, the series' new villain played by Lost star Elizabeth Mitchell, arrives in Barbados with a letter with the Royal Merchant insignia, revealing Big John's existence. She visits a house where a guy informs her that "he" is not doing well. And when we learn who the "he" in issue is,
Their talk is about the shroud she hoped to find in the Cross of Santo Domingo, an old fabric said to have healing qualities. (Perhaps this is how Big John survived Ward's attack?) "I can assist you," he says. “But you must assist my son.”
So, is Limbrey and Routledge Srconnection .'s paving the way for an enemy-of-my-gold-hungry-enemy-is-my-friend scenario? Jonas Pate reminds out that the two had previously collaborated. They both plainly despise Ward Cameron. “It's strewn in there. Limbrey is mentioned a few times throughout the season. For example, Limbrey has already worked with Big John, so it's a safe bet that's where we'll end up,” he says, quickly adding that he and the other EPs don’t have a detailed “master plan” for Season 3 yet.
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