Hawkeye has been a member of the Avengers for quite some time. That, along with the fact that he was formerly a bad man attempting to rob the Avengers, means this guy has a bevy of evil men on his hands. But, happily, for everyone, he has switched sides and now fights a slew of bad villains and foes.
Because he's been around for so long, he's encountered a wide range of adversaries, from Marvel's major brands like Magneto and Mephisto to lesser-known foes like Albino, the Stone Perfs, and Marvel Legends' Taskmaster. Aside from the obvious bow and arrow-themed rogues, there are two people named Trick Shot, two sets of Death-Throws, and Batroc and Batrocs Brigade on his roster. Not to mention the Tracksuit Brothers!
Hawkeye has gathered quite a roster over the years, so vote on your best Hawkeye foes below in comment!
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